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(Pulling on leash)
(Leash reactivity, 4th of July)
(Vacation with your dog)
(05/2024 - Body language, colorblind)
(04/2024 - Socialize your dog)
(03/2024 - Tricks get no respect
(02/2024 -Nipping & bonding) January 2024
(01/2024 - Inside activities)
(12/2023 - Jumping)
(10/2023 - Grounding)
(07/2023 - Retrieving)
(06/2023 - Littermate syndrome)
(05/2023 - body language 2)
(04/2023 - leash walking)
(03/2023 - body language 1) February 2023
(02/2023 - using makers to train)
(01/2023 - training tips)